Mtt Poker

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Multi-table tournaments are a marathon. You’ll play for hours before you approach the money, and at the final table the starting stack size will often be worth less than 1 big blind. Consequently, it’s important to think about the value of your starting stack as distinct from the real money cost of your entry. Here at MTT Poker School Coaching you’ll find all the programs, courses and digital content you need to start crushing multi-table tournaments. MTT Poker Tournament Strategy - 10 Steps Guide Multi-table tournaments let you play for huge sums of money for a small outlay – aim for a big score on 888poker with our 10-step strategy guide.

Early Stages

Mtt Poker

With most MTTs, you will start with a huge stack compared to the blinds. You may start out with 10,000 chips and the blinds at 25/50, making your stack 200 big blinds. That can be a large stack to manage if you're used to Sit 'n Gos or micro-stakes cash games.

With the big stack-to-blinds ratio, it's important to play tight early on. More confident players will start MTTs the way they finish them: like a juggernaut. They will raise the majority of pots, steal blinds when they can, and very slowly build a stack. They might go through a lot of swings too, however, with their stacks fluctuating from chip leader to shortie.


Try to avoid the style: sticking to a tight, no-nonsense strategy early on is key. That means playing solid hands in good positions. When in Early Position (EP, seats 2-5), Middle Position (MP, seats 6-8) or Late Position (LP, seats 9-10), stick to big pairs like Q-Q, K-K and A-A. In LP, you can also raise unraised pots with K-Q, Q-J, J-10 suited etc. or even throw in some medium pairs like 8-8 or 9-9.

Mtt poker chartsMtt Poker

Mtt Poker Training

In the early and middle positions consider just calling with small and medium pairs like 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 and 7-7, and you can comfortably raise in all positions with A-K.

As for raises, a raise of 2.5-3x the big blind is standard so as not to scare off too many opponents but also to attract at least one call.

Mtt Poker App

The players who ultimately make it to the very top separate themselves from the rest with their strong mindset and mental resilience. MTTs are tough. You play long sessions, grinding out tournament after tournament with extreme variance, ‘bad beats’ along the way, each and every day. Without being mentally prepared for the path in front of you, invariably you will veer off it. It’s important to realize that this is the very element that gives you the greatest opportunity to crush. Opportunity always lies in areas of life that are the most difficult. With a strong mindset you dominate your competition, including the other regs who fall short in this area. You also achieve far greater volume, and generally feel much better about life.

We care greatly about every member of our team and have arranged all the support systems necessary to breed success. Not only that, we organize regular team getaways all over the world so that we can relish life together while offering the highest value coaching opportunities. Succeeding with Detox is not just in poker, it’s a lifestyle choice.